IPAC Calls for EU-Taiwan Bilateral Investment Agreement

September 21, 2022


Ursula von der Leyen

President of the European Commission

Charles Michel

President of the European Council

Valdis Dombrovskis

European Commissioner for Trade


Josep Borrell Fontelles

High Representative for Foreign Affairs / Vice-President of the European Commission

September 21, 2022

Re: EU-Taiwan Bilateral Investment Agreement

Dear President Von der Leyen, President Michel, Vice-President & Trade Commissioner Dombrovskis,

We are writing to urge you to make haste with the EU-Taiwan Bilateral Investment Agreement. For decades, the relationship with Taiwan has been very stable, fruitful and of major importance. Now is the time to enhance and deepen the longstanding and comprehensive economic partnership with Taiwan, a full member of the WTO.

Taiwan is a key partner and democratic ally in the Indo-Pacific. A robust democracy and technologically highly advanced economy that contributes to maintaining the rules based order in the midst of an increasingly antagonistic environment. The EU has been the largest source of foreign direct investment in Taiwan, at the same time there is a high potential to increase Taiwan’s FDI in the EU. Taiwan’s dominance in the semiconductor industry is remarkable. To deepen our relationship with our democratic Taiwanese friends would not only be mutually beneficial but also of great geo-economic importance, as the EU is greatly dependent on highly advanced semiconductors produced in Taiwan.

Therefore, we urge you to intensify the Trade and Investment Dialogue with the Taiwanese authorities to deepen the bilateral economic ties and to finally start structured dialogue on the EU-Taiwan Bilateral Investment Agreement (BIA). Such a BIA should cover cooperation in green technology, resilient supply chains and the digital economy, including the semiconductor industry.

We want to underscore the importance, particularly in the light of the PRC’s continued provocations and military build-up, of further advancing the EU-Taiwan partnership and cooperation built on mutual economic benefit, democratic friendship and the upholding of the rules-based world order.


Sjoerd Sjoerdsma MP, Netherlands

François-Xavier Bellamy MEP, European Parliament

Ondřej Benešík MP, Czechia

Michael Brand MdB, Germany

Reinhard Bütikofer MEP, European Parliament

Senator Jerry Buttimer, Ireland

Senator Olivier Cadic, France

Samuel Cogolati MP, Belgium

Georges Dallemagne MP, Belgium

Engin Eroglu MEP, European Parliament

Senator Pavel Fischer, Czech Republic

Anna Fotyga MEP, European Parliament

Senator André Gattolin, France

Alexander Hammelburg MP, Netherlands

Uffe Elbaek MP, Denmark

Gyde Jensen MdB, Germany

Mykola Knyzhytski MP, Ukraine

Tom van der Lee MP, Netherlands

David Lega MEP, European Parliament

Miriam Lexmann MEP, European Parliament

Senator Michael McDowell, Ireland

Guri Melby MP, Norway

Oleksandr Merezhko MP, Ukraine

Antonio Miloshoski MP, North Macedonia

Alexandru Muraru MP, Romania

Mr. Müller-Rosentritt MdB, Germany

Senator David Norris, Ireland

Žygimantas Pavilionis MP, Lithuania

Dovile Šakalienė MP, Lithuania

Ms Michaela Šojdrová, MEP, European Parliament

Cătălin Teniță MP, Romania

Niels Paarup-Petersen MP, Sweden

Senator Barry Ward, Ireland

Charlie Weimers MEP, European Parliament

Senator André Vallini, France

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