IPAC Statement on the Conviction of Two Former Editors of Stand News in Hong Kong
The Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China deplores the conviction of Stand News editors Patrick Lam Shiu-tung and Chung Pui-kuen in Hong Kong.
Freedom of the press is a basic right guaranteed under the Hong Kong Basic Law and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which Hong Kong remains a party.
These convictions, handed down by judges in the absence of a jury, are a clear indication that the Hong Kong authorities will not hesitate to use the law as an instrument of repression.
This is a clear signal to the international community - and to the business world - that Hong Kong no longer behaves as a common law jurisdiction. If publishing an opinion critical of the government can be ruled as sedition, the implications for those engaged in due diligence and other normal business operations are far-reaching. Clearly, there are no depths to which the authorities won’t sink in their pursuit of control.
We applaud Lam and Chung for their courage and steadfastness in pursuit of what they know to be right, and call upon our respective governments to condemn these convictions, and to take swift action in defence of international law.
As Lam said in court:
Even in the last hours,
when freedom of the press fell in mid-air and under immense pressure,
our colleagues remained steadfast at their posts,
equal to the challenge of their times.
We uncovered truths that were almost hidden,
even when the odds were stacked against us.
We spoke out for the powerless,
the vulnerable and minorities,
even in the face of condemnation and attacks.
We documented Hong Kong as best we could,
seeking to create a first draft of history
before these people and events disappeared.