IPAC Launches Alumni Council

September 2024
The Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC) today launched the IPAC Alumni Council.
The Alumni Council is an association for former IPAC members to stay connected and engaged with IPAC. The Council will work towards expanding and consolidating the IPAC membership, developing IPAC’s supporter base, and ensuring current IPAC lawmakers can benefit from the expertise and experience of their predecessors.
Among former IPAC members are former leading political figures and senior ministers, including those with significant experience of engaging with Beijing and the People’s Republic of China. They also mirror the diversity, and international and ideological breadth, of the IPAC network.
Membership is open to all former IPAC members in good standing.
The Council will be chaired by Swedish former MEP David Lega. Making up the board are André Gattolin, Louisa Wall, Reinhard Bütikofer, Shiori Kanno, Simon O'Connor, Steward McDonald, Uffe Elbæk and Tim Loughton.